Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Google Books Settlement

by Raelene Gorlinsky

Well, if you read any of the industry newsletters or blogs, you are aware that yesterday Judge Denny Chin rejected the Google Books Settlement deal. This thing has been dragging on for several years, so it is at least good to have some sort of progess. Now, of course, most people are betting that Google will appeal the decision. So it's not really over. I'm sure that eventually--in how many more years?--a deal will get worked out.

My personal opinion all along has been what the judge suggested--make it opt-in instead of opt-out. But that is not what Google wants, as it increases the work and record-keeping for them and greatly reduces the number of books that could be included in their digitize-the-world plans.

Publishers Weekly article:

New York Times article:


  1. consider this a good decision. The books they are talking about are completely out of print; many haven't been purchased or printed in ages. In fact, a particular book in the lawsuit had about a 1000 book run, sold only a few and went belly up, years ago, than the author died, and...The judge still wants him to opt-in? Please, make no sense. People are free to opt-out as they please.

  2. Copyright, in the UK anyway, expires after 50 years so effectively Google could still publish some out-of-print books. As Google is a business, and would obviously profit from their online library, it seems unfair that authors who have done all the hard work would miss out. The whereabouts of many authors are unknown. How are writers supposed to earn money when their work is being effectively stolen? Google, rather than asking people to opt out, should have asked who wanted to opt in.
