Sunday, April 19, 2009

Graphically Speaking

From the fertile mind of Kelli Collins


Kimber Li said...

Oh, that's funny. All the ones I've written have been pilots - like my husband! I'm trying really hard to overcome that, but still...

Angelia Sparrow said...

Yeah, there does seem to be an excess of military special forces, especially SEALS. And amazingly, not one heroine ever gets killed by them during a flashback. (a very real danger, as my grandmother could tell you)

So far my employed EC heros have been a writer and a history prof (a nod to my years in academia), a junior law clerk, a trucker (my current job) and a spacer (a trucker with rockets).

This isn't counting the eunuch dancer and the bandit.

I seldom write military men because I can't romanticize them.

Belle Scarlett said...

Love the pithy and succinct graphic-as-commentary, lol! As a colonel's daughter, you'd think I'd have an inside pipeline to wherever they keep the hunky, eligible SEAL guys, but I've never actually seen one in real life. And I've never met anyone else who has, either. Maybe they're an armed services urban legend?

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO! That's hilarious! thanks for the BIG laugh!

My first book features a cop, but without any of the suspense's just his job. I'm working on a hero who's an actor/writer right now. It's tons of fun...and an interesting exercise in finding ways to play up the heroic aspect without using the "rescue/protect" element. A great learning experience, IMHO!

zora naki said...

you forgot billionaires...